Thursday, November 1, 2007

SAN ANTO: Güeras y Prietas: Celebrating 20 Years of Borderlands/La Frontera -- NOV 3

Güeras y Prietas: Celebrating 20 Years of Borderlands/La Frontera

3 November 2007

Frio Street Building 1.512

University of Texas at San Antonio


9-9:30 Coffee
9:30 Blessing and Welcome

Sonia Saldívar-Hull, Women's Studies Institute
Norma E. Cantú, Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa
Harriett Romo, Mexico Center

9:45-11:00 Session I

The U.S. Mexican Border—Anzaldúa and Border Studies

Guadalupe Cortina, University of Texas – UT, Pan American
Andamos huyendo, Gloria: academia, fronteras y la nueva mestiza

Socorro Tabuenca, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte/UT, El Paso

Desde la frontera: A 30 años de Borderlands

Eden Torres, University of Minnesota

Wounds of Fire: Anzaldúa's Cultural Production from Pain to Theory.

Moderator: Sonia Saldívar-Hull

11-11:15 BREAK

11:15- 12:30 Session II

Anzaldúa and Queer Studies
Amelia M.L. Montes, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Tortilleras on the Prairie: Queer Studies in the Midwest

Ellie Hernández, University of California, Santa Barbara

Performing the Colonial

Rusty Barceló, University of Minnesota
Borders and Bridges: Strategies for Institutional Transformation

Moderator: Rita Urquijo-Ruiz, Trinity University-San Antonio


Aunt Lute Press – Introducing the new edition of Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza
Lina Suarez The Gloria Anzaldúa Legacy Project, The Valley
Sonia Saldivar-Hull and AnaLouise Keating (in absentia), Upcoming Publications
Gloria González Lopez, the Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa Archive at UT-Austin

2:00- 3:15 Session III
Anzaldúa y Mexico

Marisa Belausteguigoitia, UNAM

Lucía Melgar, UNAM
Crossing Other (‘s)Borders: Elena Garro’s “El rastro” and "Los perros”

Sandra Lorenzano, UNAM

Teresa Von Hoy
Gendering War: La Frontera/Borders in Images of Revolution

Moderator: Norma Alarcón, San Antonio

3:15-3:30 BREAK

3:30-4:45 Session IV

Anzaldúa Studies: International Perspectives

Paola Baschetta, University of California, Berkeley
"Transnational Borderlands: Gloria Anzaldua’s Epistemologies of Resistance and Lesbians 'of Color' in Paris"
Claire Joysmith, Universidad Autonóma de México, DF
’Let Us Be the Healing of the Wound’: Anzaldúa’s Post-September 11,
2001 Testimonial Vision
María Luisa "Papusa" Molina, Universidad del Oriente, Merida, Yucatán
A New Mestizo Consciousness: los Mayas de Yucatán

Moderator: Norma E. Cantú

Courtesy of: