Thursday, November 1, 2007

VIDEO: The Last Zapatistas: Forgotten Heroes

The Last Zapatistas: Forgotten Heroes
Los Últimos Zapatistas, Héroes Olvidados

The Last Zapatistas: Forgotten Heroes is the chilling testimony of the soldiers who fought beside their General Emiliano Zapata in the 1910 Mexican Revolution.

Almost one hundred years later, the survivors of the legendary Liberation Army of the South reveal a truth not to be found in any book. They speak of the failure of the Revolution and of today's neoliberal governments, of the agrarian and ecological disaster threatening their country and of imminent civil war if the Zapatista ideals they represent continue to be ignored.

These men and women represent chapters of unjust history, abandoned wisdom, banners for Mexico's underprivileged... they are the Forgotten Heroes.

info about The Last Zapatistas: Forgotten Heroes reposted from website

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