Defend Bear Butte
From: Chief Arvol Looking Horse,
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
Of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations
November 12, 2007
Re: Urgent Message of the Virgin Births of White Buffalo and Black Buffalo in Pennsylvania
Mitakuye Oyasin (all my relations),
Another great message has come to us from the animal nation. This time, it is more urgent then ever! It has come to my attention of another birth of a white buffalo, this time it is more different then any other sign.
So far since 1994, the same time that Global Warming was being announced; there have been at least 4-6 every year of these sacred buffalo calves that have stood upon the earth. Not only the buffalo have showed these signs to tell us of this great urgency that is upon us, but in many parts of the world, there have been other animal nations showing this sacred color.
This color represents the south, the direction in which we pass through to the spirit world, a completed cycle. This interpretation has to do with the Bundle I take care of that carries a prophesy from the White Buffalo Calf Woman. She told of a time when her spirit would stand upon the earth, a time of great changes were about to come to us all. A time when the two legged would have to make a decision to change their ways to heal the damage that they have created. Boundaries in respecting life and spirit will have become violated.
This birth is yet another sign, but brings more awareness of this urgency. This new birth has to do with 2 female buffalo kept in captivity, with no male buffalo present. It would be hard to believe, but in this instance, the place they live has kept this quiet, because they did not want to be accused of artificially inseminating the female buffalo. There have been these types of instances that have been done in the past, concerning publicity in owning a white buffalo calf.
The Woodland Zoo in Farmington, Pennsylvania decided to bring in two female buffalo to their facility. One of the females was pregnant when she arrived. After she had the calf, it was sold, 6 months later, she gave birth to another calf, this time it was white. Buffalo carry for 9 months as humans do. The other female she lived with, gave birth 9 months later to a black buffalo after the white calf stood upon the earth, again no male buffalo present.
This was brought to my attention a while back. I did not want to state anything till I took this through ceremony, to understand the truth and the message.
Since 1994, these kinds of signs have been coming, but it seems that people do not listen or want to see anything important from the animal nationâ€,,s messages. This has a lot to do with faith.
What was told is as follows: This is a very dangerous time we are in! The minds of the people on Uncâ€,,i Maka (Grandmother Earth) are choosing to focus on a new way of life that is hurting us all in the global community. This way of life chooses war, hurting one another physically and verbally, and continued desecration to Uncâ€,,i Maka in taking more then what we truly need in her resources. These decisions not only hurt our own People, but the animal nations are dying in large numbers to extinction by this new way of life we are accepting. Uncâ€,,i Maka is going to have a hard time to continue to bring food to all life. These decisions need to be changed very soon and are in each and every one of your hands more then ever. Respect to the spirit of life needs to be brought back; boundaries need to put back into place and faith needs to be present in everyoneâ€,,s life once again.
We have no choice but to listen!
May Peace Prevail on Earth! In a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no ending and no beginning!
Chief Arvol Looking Horse,
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
La Nueva Raza News
Friday, November 16, 2007
Another White Buffalo
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12:57 AM