Come Deliver the Peoples' Judicial Complaint Against Judge Keller
Why: Judge Sharon Keller has violated the Judicial Code of Conduct and damaged the integrity of the Texas judiciary. She should resign or be removed from office. On Sept 25, Keller said "We close at 5" and refused to accept an appeal 20 minutes after 5pm from a man set to be executed at 6 pm that day. She did not consult with the duty judge or any other judges on the court before refusing to accept the appeal. Michael Richard was executed on Sept 25, but he would not have been executed that night if Keller had not acted unethically and violated his constitutional rights. Richard was the last person executed in the U.S.before the start of the current de facto moratorium pending the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the Baze v. Rees case on the constitutionality of lethal injection as a method of execution.
Date: Friday, Nov 16 at 4:45
4:45 pm Start to gather and get in line to deliver letters urging Keller to resign and the copy of the judicial complaint to the Clerk of the Court.
5:00 The court closes, but we want to have people standing in line with letters to deliver, so that the court is inconvenienced and forced to stay open an extra 20 minutes to serve everyone in line.
5:20 Rally with speakers outside on the Court plaza.
Place: Texas Court of Criminal Appeals,
201 West 14th Street
Austin, Tx
(This is the official address. We will meet on the plaza around the corner facing Congress Ave.)
Action: We will be delivering a copy of a judicial complaint against Sharon Keller signed so far by more than 1300 members of the public.
You can still sign the complaint by clicking here or visiting the website
We ask that people bring their own personally written letters urging Keller to resign and you can deliver yours to the Clerk of the Court.

Thanks to: