Monday, November 12, 2007

SAN ANTO: Sweatshops 101 Tour Arrives in SA! -- NOV 12

united students against sweatshops southwest tour

ever wonder what goes on in the factories that make your clothes? ever wonder why clothes can be so cheap sometimes? did you ever think about the impact that your consumption has on not only the environment, but on workers' rights?

this tour will be a great opportunity to learn more about united students against sweatshops. the talk will focus on how we can develop valuable organizing skills to take back to our campus and how we can use our power as students to affect an industry that thrives in secrecy, exploitation, and the power relations of a flawed system.

brainstorm on strategy around campus campaigns, learn about how workers are organizing to make change on the ground, and meet other activists and organizers!

gabriel morales at 210.2544757 or email at
southwest regional organizer

Thanks to:
usas southwest