After 5 days of a first ever bi-national encampment on both sides of the border, filled with dreams of smashing the borders of all forms that divide us, we closed our encampment by marching simultaneously from each side of the wall to the garita, Mexicali-Calexico Border Crossing about 2 miles on foot.
The march was amazing, as we approached the Mexicali's center--people in their cars who were being delayed with cheering, little kids raising their fists at the window and joining us in the chants "Ningun Ser Humano es Ilegal".
As the march approached what seemed to be the furthest point it could reach, both sides stopped and played ball over the fence with hundreds of cars cheering and watching in awe.
A die -in was staged in front of the line of cars driving towards the U.S. border , in honor of those who die crossing the border each year. Cars again--even though traffic was being stopped and delayed, they were cheering and just happy to see this crowd of Morenos (brown-skinned folks), Gringos (white folks), Asians, Punk Rockers, folks in wheelchair and/ other disabilities, and more cheering down their street demanding an end to the economic exploitation of their people and end to the wall that separates us all.
Then, the U.S. side of the fence the border patrol starts lining up in greater and greater numbers surrounding the much smaller group of activists on the Calexico side. What was really agitating them was the crowd on the Mexico side who they have no jurisdiction to touch that was chanting in such large numbers demanding an end to the wall, to the migra.
The immigration authorities NEVER issued an order to disperse, they simply started attacking and shooting at close range with pepper spray bullets protestors, including one in a wheelchair, and including protestors of all age groups from teens to silver haired.
The Mexicali group starts clenching onto the fence with greater force than before, trying to see what's going on the companeros on the other side, and screaming "Asesinos!" and "Shame! Shame!" to the U.S. border patrol, while many were bloodying up their fists pounding on the metal fence that divided them.
3 Arrested, several wounded, one arresstee reportedly severely injured and refused medical help (Steve from the south Central Farm)
A video can also be seen at
Orange County--Alliance for Immigrants Rights will be meeting tonight to discuss emergency solidarity actions, as most of our group were in attendance at this campamento, 6:30pm at Centro.
Thanks to:
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
ARTICLE: Migra Beat Non-Violent Protestors Using Chemical Weapons and Weaponry
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11:42 AM