Attached is a petition your organization can send to secure a day labor site for Home Depot day laborers at Belway 8 and Bellaire.
Home Depot has just agreed to meet but we need to keep the pressure up to make sure we see the establishment of the first day labor station in Houston.
Si Se Puede.
Date: November 1, 2007
To: Home Depot
Re: Respect for the human rights and dignity of day workers.
Our organization is very concerned with about Home Depot’s decision to prohibit day laborers from standing on the cordon surrounding the property of your parking lot. Since Home Depot took this action, workers have been pushed across the street, to the sides of the Beltway and to sidewalks where employers have little space to pick up workers. In addition, the security guards are often hostile to the employers and workers that congregate at the back of the store. Principally the current situation denies workers a safe space to exercise their right to look for work.
We believe that Home Depot has a responsibility to provide a safe and orderly hiring space for the workers who seek employment from Home Depot customers. Home Depot has purported to be a “neighbor of choice”. Without inclusion and fair treatment of the day workers, Home Depot has failed to fulfill its commitment to be a good corporate citizen.
We urge you to reconsider your actions and open a dialogue with workers to ensure a safe space for workers and employers to meet and to demonstrate that Home Depot’s is willing to meet its obligation to respect the human rights and dignity of all members of the community.
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